The greenest waters and forests in the whole of Slavonia are to be found in Kopački rit Nature Park. The park covers the wetland area around the confluence of Drava and Danube rivers, near Osijek, covering a total of 238 hectares, and which, due to its inaccessibility, has remained in the intact state since the olden times.
Kopački rit is one of the largest natural wetlands in Europe and as such has been recommended for inclusion in the UNESCO List of Natural Heritage. Large herds of deer are practically a trade mark of Kopački rit, despite the fact that herds of wild boar are just as large.
There are other mammals in the park but far more numerous are birds, a total of 300 different species. The most important among them are the very rare and protected species: white tailed eagle and black stork. The park can be easily reached by car from nearby Osijek, the largest town in Slavonia, and visitors can abandon themselves to the primeval ambiances of the wetlands, forests and diluvial fields.
The best way, however, to tour the park is on excursion boats which are able to reach even the shallow, swampy backwaters. The beauties of the park can also be enjoyed by the tourists sailing the Danube, the river which marks the eastern border of this truly magnificent nature park.
Nature Park - Park Prirode - Naturpark - National Park - Nacionalni Park - Nationalpark - Parco Nazionale - Croatia - Hrvatska - Nature Park - Kopacki rit
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