This imposing mountain is by far the greatest sight of the Central Dalmatian coastline, and its only nature park. There are few places in the Mediterranean where peaks of over 1,500 metres high come so close to the sea and where mountains rise so steeply as they do here. It is the forbidding and inhospitable peaks of Biokovo that bestow an ever so welcome freshness during the heat of summer upon the coast, as well as proffering a whole range of nature’s gifts to its true lovers.
Apart from fresh air and the atmosphere of unsullied nature, Biokovo has beautiful hiking and cycling trails, pleasant resting places and interesting historical remains dating from the times when many shepherds roamed this difficult terrain.
Today, the nature park and its highest peak, the 1,758 metre high Sveti Jure, can be reached by road, either from the shores of the Makarska Riviera or from Dalmatian hinterland.
Nature Park - Park Prirode - Naturpark - National Park - Nacionalni Park - Nationalpark - Parco Nazionale - Croatia - Hrvatska - Nature Park - Nature Park – Nature Park – Biokovo
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23/02/2025 07:29 local time
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